CitiHope | Critical medicines reach 333,000+ patients globally
Published: June 28, 2017
CitiHope offers a proven track record of successful humanitarian relief assistance worldwide, as well as substantial access to donated WHO listed pharmaceuticals.
Essential to CitiHope’s medical programs is the partnership with Aurobindo Pharma USA. From 2013 to 2016 Aurobindo, through CitiHope, provided critically needed medicines to qualified healthcare institutions for over 333,000 patients worldwide.
Core Principles – Medical/Nutritional Programs
- Medicine, medical supplies and food must benefit recipients to the maximum extent possible
- Donations should be made with full respect of needs and authority of end-user recipients
- Effective communication between CitiHope and beneficiary in country institutions
- All donations distributed free-of-charge without regard to race, religion and ethnicity
Dominican Republic
CitiHope is committed to bringing life-saving essential medical relief and nutrition assistance to vulnerable people in Dominican Republic through its Sanar Una Nación (Heal A Nation) Program, a strategic health and nutrition partnership with top Dominican Corporations, Grupo Rica, Grupo Ramos, Grupo Popular and Grupo Universal in coordination with the Ministry of Health.
Active in Dominican Republic since 1998, CitiHope launched CitiHope Dominicana in 2010 following a rapid, significant outreach response to the Haitian earthquake. CitiHope has established excellent partnerships with other NGOs and foundations, resulting in the delivery of over $239 million in relief to date, to over 200 healthcare and educational institutions island-wide, serving over 1 million Dominicans and Haitians.
The Dominican Republic has a population of 10.5 million. The Dominican Ministry of Public Health’s mission is to safeguard the health of its population but because of harsh limitations in the budget a 40% gap in medicines results in a large healthcare shortfall especially for the poor.
Aurobindo Pharma, through CitiHope has provided critically needed medicines for over 132,000 patients in the Dominican Republic
Committed to bringing life-saving essential medical relief to vulnerable people in Uganda through The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation’s ShareHope Program, CitiHope formed a strategic health partnership with MedShare International.
Active in Uganda since 2016, CitiHope has established solid relationships with the Ugandan Ministry of Health and local NGOs Hope for Restoration Initiative, Calvary Chapel Entebbe, and Rotary Uganda.
- Uganda ranks 163 of 188 countries in the UN Human Development Index
- Low life expectancy (59.2 yrs)
- High infant mortality rate
- 1.5 million people living with HIV/AIDS (ranks 4th globally)
- High occurrence of malaria, TB and related infections
Containing 19 islands, Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. Remote island villages lack access to medicine and medical care. In partnership with Make it Rain, CitiHope visited Uganda in 2016 to begin building a medical clinic on the shores of Lake Victoria to serve the island communities and the area around Entebbe, and to assess how best to build a sustainable medical program in country. In early 2017, CitiHope delivered 11 pallets of medicine provided by Aurobindo Pharma to six Ugandan healthcare facilities. The medicines treated a variety of infectious and chronic diseases and conditions including bacterial infections, diabetes, hypertension, migraine headaches, and major depressive disorder, providing a full course of treatment for 16,500 patients.
The most critical diseases/issues presented at the hospital level and require medication are: Cancers, Chronic Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, and Mental Disorders.

Committed to bringing life-saving essential medical relief to vulnerable people in
Malawi through The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation’s ShareHope Program, CitiHope
formed a strategic health partnership with MedShare International.
Active in Malawi since opening its Malawi office in 2003, CitiHope has established
solid relationships with the Malawi Ministry of Health, reaching over 259,000
Malawians. This program is needs driven and provides critical medications to
targeted tertiary level healthcare facilities.
- Malawi ranks 170 of 188 countries in the UN Human Development Index
- Low life expectancy (63.9 yrs); high under-5 mortality (64 per 1,000 live
births) - 9.1% HIV prevalence; ranks 9th in world for HIV/AIDS adult prevalence
- High occurrence of malaria and TB and related opportunistic infections.
CitiHope Relief & Development, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, has successfully
delivered over $1.2 billion in medical, nutritional and developmental humanitarian
assistance since 1990 to people in need around the world. Through private and public
partnerships including generous donations from Aurobindo Pharma, CitiHope has
leveraged each $1.00 granted by 20:1 or more maintaining an administrative and
fundraising cost of 2%.
CitiHope’s medical director vouchsafes pharmaceutical donations are in compliance with
in-country ministries of health and beneficiary institutions’ medical directors. This ensures
accurate selection and distribution of pharmaceutical products and best practices
regarding diagnosis, prescription and monitoring of patient healthcare.